A one vehicle rollover occurred southeast of Freeman early Sunday morning.
Turner County Sheriff Steven Luke says deputies responded to a single vehicle rollover accident near 283rd Street and 443rd Avenue just after midnight. When Deputies arrived on scene, the vehicle was in in a creek near the road upside down. Luke adds that upon further investigation, it was learned that the driver was previously at a party and had been drinking. During the interview, the driver blew a .115 blood alcohol level and was placed under arrest for DUI. The legal limit to drive in South Dakota is a .08.
Luke says the driver was transported to Pioneer Memorial Hospital in Freeman where the deputies learn the unidentified driver fractured their arm and a second a PBT was conducted, with the results reading a .133% blood alcohol level.
Luke adds that there was passenger in the vehicle. The passenger did not sustain any injuries and they were not under the influence.
Luke reminds area residents that it is never alright to drive under the influence of any substance and the consequences could be your life, someone else’s life, or both.