On Saturday at the Summit Activity Center parking lot, Detachment 1475 of the Marine Corps League held their 1st annual Hot Rods & Hogs car and bike show.
Cars, trucks and motorcycles from several categories were shown off and judged, with trophies given out to the best rides.
Most vehicles were from local enthusiasts, but one came all the way from Sisseton.
With a couple dozen entries, there is great hope for the future, and getting the word out about next year’s car show.
All the participants enjoyed the camaraderie and the ability to show off their prized rides. Check out KYNT’s Facebook page for pictures.
All moneys raised are used to assist veterans and their families.
Our local Leathernecks would like to thank the following sponsors: First Dakota National Bank, First National Bank of Omaha, Elkhorn Valley Bank & Trust, CorTrust Bank, Eagle Eye Ride, The Trophy Place, and Flags Unlimited.