The Yankton City Commission has 3 seats up for election in 2023, which would be for a 3-year term, and the city is accepting petitions from anyone interested in running, until the filing deadline on February 24th.
Yankton City Manager, Amy Leon, talks about how many signatures are needed on a petition to run for this office…
The petitions can be downloaded at the Secretary of State’s website, or picked up at the Finance Office at City Hall, at 416 Walnut Street.
Leon talks about the job of a city commissioner…
If more than 3 valid petitions have been turned into the Finance Office, then the election will be held on Tuesday, April 11th, in conjunction with the School Board election.
Leon talks about the need to register to vote by March 27th…
The Commissioners will be seated in May, and then the 9 Commissioners will choose which one of them will serve a 1-year term as mayor.
The City Finance Office will assist anyone through the petitioning process.