The Yankton County Commission met on Monday night to discuss a proposed resolution in regards to an ongoing movement to increase conservation easements on private land, in perpetuity.
At their last meeting, the Commission was presented with a proposed resolution which would oppose what is known as 30 by 30, and opened the floor to further comments from the public, which lasted for over an hour.
Guy Larson, Yankton resident and member of the South Dakota chapter of the Sierra Club, talks about why he opposes the resolution…
South Dakota District 18 Representative, Julie Auch, explains how this resolution is not opposed to conservation easements, but the length of the contract…
Resident Bernie Hunhoff, talks about the issue of long-time control of the land…
The Commission agreed to table the issue until the next meeting, giving them time to digest the feedback, and give Auch and Hunhoff time to draft amendments to this resolution.