YSD Introduced Modified Protocols for school emergencies

YSD Introduced Modified Protocols for school emergencies

The Yankton School District has introduced modified protocols and terminology for dealing with school emergencies following specialized training attended by Lincoln School Principal Tony Beste and school resource officer Jeremy Olson. 

Beste says the top priorities of the district in dealing with any emergency is keeping kids in the district safe, and communicating with parents and family members. District Superintendent Dr. Wayne Kindle says the district understands families want information as quickly as possible, and will clarify situations to parents as soon as accurate communication is possible without compromising the safety of students.

The district asks that families not call or come to their student’s school in an emergency until the district has determined a safe procedure for removing kids from the building. Beste says, in some situations, students may now be allowed to communicate with family using their cell phones.

Also under the new guidelines, the term “secure” is replacing “soft lockdown,” indicating students are being brought into the building and all outdoor doors are remaining locked. The school district introduced the new protocols at a safety meeting held Monday night at the high school theater. Kindle says all parents will have access to a recording of the meeting as well as additional resources via email over the next few days.